What We Do


We equip people with practical tips and tools to go into their communities and lead others to Christ. After the our short training time, we take these practices to the streets. During this time, we see people being saved, healed, and set free outside of the walls of the church.

Crying Out Prayer

It is our heart to also to help churches develop or renew corporate prayer meetings. It is during these sessions that we teach how to pray for the nation, their community, and their church. We train leaders and churches how to cry out to the lord in prayer and to believe for change

"If my people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land

-2 Chronicles 7:14

Renewal Services

Sunday morning “renewal” services will be a great time of ministry with your congregation. We see healings and miracles that would ignite a fire into the hearts of those in attendance. Our goal is to leave a lasting impact to encourage the church to spread the good news.


We love coming alongside the local church and bringing a word from the Lord. One of the ways we have done in the past is through multi-day conferences spanning for all age groups. Whether it be a Youth or Woman’s conference, we will come alongside your vision to equip the church.

Youth Events

During these events, we have the unique opportunity to invest into your students and equip them with tools to share their faith in their schools and community. We come with a word to preach but we come expecting for God to take over.